Local Government

The foods and drinks available and the type of marketing promoted in your local government area can impact the health and wellbeing of the children and young people in your community.

Local governments oversee a wide range of community services, council owned facilities, policies and planning that can directly impact the food and drink environment.

As local governments implement their Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans, they can use Vic Kids Eat Well to create healthier food and drink environments for kids across their community.

How can local governments support Vic Kids Eat Well?

Vic Kids Eat Well has partnered with VicHealth for their VicHealth Local Government Partnership initiative, which provides all 79 Victorian councils (16 of which are ‘fast-tracked’) with access to a range of evidence-based health promotion modules. Vic Kids Eat Well is a recommended initiative for local governments working on the 'Building better food systems for healthier communities’ module.

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Register as a health promoter

If you can support organisations in your local government area to participate in Vic Kids Eat Well; you can register as a health promoter and access Vic Kids Eat Well training and development, resources and our health promoter database.