How to get involved

Vic Kids Eat Well supports schools, Outside School Hours Care, Sports Clubs and a wide range of community organisations to provide healthier food and drink options.


A great education starts with children and young people having the energy and focus to learn at school.

Outside school hours care

Healthy food before and after school = healthier, active kids.

Sports Clubs

Provide young players with healthy food and drink options so they have the fuel to play and be active.

Community and Council owned facilities

Provide kids with delicious, healthy food and drink options to fuel their fun.

Health Promoters

Join the Vic Kids Eat Well movement and start supporting organisations in your area today.


Work through healthy eating actions with other organisations in your area.

Parents and Advocates

Make an impact and support healthier environments for your kids and the community.

Local Government

Find out how your local council can be part of the Vic Kids Eat Well movement.

Sport and recreation facilities

Provide delicious, healthy food and drink options where children and young people to spend their time being active.