Health Promoters commonly work at community health services, local government or similar organisations. Health Promoters work with a wide range of organisations to improve health and wellbeing opportunities for all members of the community.
As community health services and local councils develop and implement their next round of Community Health – Health Promotion planning cycle (2021-2025) and Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans (2021-2025), they have the opportunity to positively impact the food and drink environments for children and young people by including Vic Kids Eat Well in their plan’s strategies and objectives.
How can Health Promoters become involved with Vic Kids Eat Well?
By registering to become a Vic Kids Eat Well Health Promoter, you will gain access to onboarding training and development, a comprehensive range of resources and an extensive support framework to help you to promote, support and implement changes to create healthy food and drink environments for children and young people in your community.
Register as a health promoter today
What is expected of Health Promoters who register for Vic Kids Eat Well?
Vic Kids Eat Well focuses on improving the food and drink environments of target organisations where Victorian children and families spend their time. All eligible organisations that participate in Vic Kids Eat Well will gain access to dedicated support and incentives to help them achieve the healthy eating actions.
By registering to become a Vic Kids Eat Well Health Promoter you agree to be connected with organisations within the Local Government Area/s (LGAs) you work in and to provide support and assistance to them as they commence their journey to improve their food and drink environments.
Register as a health promoter today
Upon registration, Health Promoters can access a suite of tailored resources and learning and development via a password protected page and are given their own database to capture evidence and data on behalf of organisations.
ACCESS HEALTH PROMOTER RESOURCES and learning and development HERE
Access the Vic Kids Eat Well database here